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Father’s Day is June 20. It’s already June! These holidays have a way of highlighting how quickly time moves. Long days, short years and all that. They also force us to pause. While the pandemic has brought devastating loss to so many, it has also heightened our appreciation for our people. The people who make the hard times easier. And for many of us, dads are pretty high on that list. Show some love to the dads, granddads, stepdads, and new dads in your life.

If you’re lucky enough to be able to safely celebrate Father’s Day with your dad, make his day exceptional. Even if it’s from a distance. You know him best. Whether it’s showing up with his favorite meal, spending the day at the beach, planning a camping trip, or letting him win a hand of Gin Rummy, give the man what he wants. And while it’s obviously not the presents he’s most looking forward to, they certainly can’t hurt. If you’re still trying to find a gift for a dad that is notoriously hard to shop for, here are some sure bets. 

Red Barn Mercantile: Nature and Other Essays, $16.99; Football Bottle Opener, $12; Fifty Places to Camp, $24.95; Bar Tools, $49; Best Damn Beard Oil, $32.50 Wall Clock, $85; Letters of Note: Fathers, $15; Big Macs & Burgundy, $27.50; Hella Bitters, $22.50 each; Bourbon Smoked Garlic Salt, $12; Bourbon Smoked Spice Snack Mix, $15. 

Our sister store Penny Post: Hoppy Father’s Day Card, $6; Newgate Clock, $125; Lamy 2000 Fountain Pen, $249; Man, Myth, Legend Pencil Set, $14; Letter Opener, $6; Stallone’s Big Fight Puzzle, $19.99; Trip Passport, $12.50; Accidentally Wes Anderson, $35; Best Dad Ever Nameplate, $32.