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Our Good. Works. Wednesday efforts are going to BRAWS this this month. 20% of your non-custom purchases made on Wednesdays in March are being donated to this wonderful organization. 

BRAWS provides menstrual supplies and new undergarments to women and children in crisis who do not have access to critical, basic supplies in our community and around the world.

According to the Alliance for Period Supplies, 251,382 Virginians of menstruating age (12-44) live below 100% of the Federal Poverty Line. One in five residents lack the access to period supplies they need. Their goal is to ensure individuals have access to menstrual supplies and undergarments in a comprehensive effort to assist in overcoming immediate burdens, provide resources for economic and educational success, aid in achieving stability, as well as increasing long-term health benefits and well-being.

Since 2015, through their partnerships with shelters, schools, food pantries, and community organizations, BRAWS has distributed over four million pads, tampons, new bras and underwear to women and children in crisis.

Learn more about this organization, check out their upcoming events, and be sure to shop on Wednesdays this month to show your support!