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We are continuing our Good. Works. Wednesday efforts in June in celebration of Pride Month! Red Barn Mercantile and Penny Post are giving 20% of our non-custom sales every Wednesday in June to a few different local organizations that are doing incredible work in the LGBTQ+ community.

June 1: Through youth leadership, SMYAL creates opportunities for LGBTQ youth to build self-confidence, develop critical life skills, and engage their peers and community through service and advocacy.

June 8: Safe Space NOVA is dedicated to providing a safe, accepting, and supportive environment to combat social stigmas, bullying, and other challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth.

June 15: The DC Center educates, empowers, celebrates & connects lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender communities.

June 22: The Arlington Gay and Lesbian Alliance (AGLA) is a strong beacon for EQUALITY. It’s a nonpartisan nonprofit open to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning (LGBTQ) people and allies. We provide socials, foster civic awareness, and engage in community service. Regardless of where you reside, AGLA welcomes you.

June 29: ​The Virginia Anti­-Violence Project joins our community in building experiences of acceptance and universal connection. We long to feel engaged with each other, to show up, to be seen and heard, and to feel valued. As a grassroots organization, we strive to collaborate with the community to recognize and address issues together.