Are you ready for Spring2ACTion? We are! Spring2ACTion is Alexandria’s Giving Day. This 24-hour period is to inspire everyone to do some good by heading to and giving to a cause(s) you are passionate about. It's an incredible effort powered by the generosity of our community, and early giving is underway!
Once again, Red Barn Mercantile and Penny Post are awarding $3000 in prize money to non-profit organizations and you have the power to choose where that money goes!
On Wednesday, April 26, Red Barn Mercantile and Penny Post will be competing against several other businesses in Alexandria to see whose supporters are the most charitable, and we are confident our customers will be the most generous!
The prize money could go to your favorite cause! Here are two ways you can participate:
1. Designate Red Barn Mercantile or Penny Post as your business fundraiser. Give now with early giving by donating to your chosen organization on and selecting Red Barn Mercantile (or Penny Post) in the business fundraiser drop-down menu at checkout. We will award the following four prizes to the winning organizations’ Spring2ACTion totals: $1000 to the organization that has the most designations by donors at Red Barn Mercantile; $500 to the organization with the highest donation total at Red Barn Mercantile. And same goes for Penny Post.
2. Shop online or in-store on April 26, the day of Spring2ACTion. On April 26, 20% of all Red Barn Mercantile and Penny Post purchases will be donated to the cause of our customers' choice. If you prefer to shop online that day, be sure to indicate the organization's name in the notes section upon checkout. Shop with us that day so your favorite organization can win the big prize money!
Spring2ACTion is such a powerful way to celebrate and give back to our wonderful community. Plus, we love a little friendly competition! Help us earn some bragging rights!