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I had no idea what “Strega Nona Fall” was until Julia, who is actually on TikTok, told me it was a thing. As soon as I heard Strega Nona, I was in. I didn’t even need to research it because it was an immediate recall to the book and all the coziness of her kitchen. Strega Nona is a children’s book character written and illustrated by the great Tomie dePaola. It is the retelling of the German folk tale,“The Sweet Porridge.” In the story our heroine, an Italian Grandma Witch (as her name translates to) has a magic pasta pot. One day, Big Anthony, our anti-hero, tries to recreate Strega Nona’s magic pasta making to ill effect.  The town gets over-flooded with pasta and only Strega Nona can save the day.

This fall, folks seem to be longing for a comforting plate of carbs and a cozy corner in which to eat them. To help you uncover your inner Strega Nona, we thought we’d share what that looks like to us.

Since this is all about the pasta, naturally we start there. One of my family’s favorite recipes comes from Melissa Clark’s cookbook, Dinner in One. It’s the Cheesy Baked Pasta and it’s delicious! I like to use hot turkey sausage and simple macaroni noodles, but you can use pork or chicken if you’d rather, and the noodle shape is up to you, just keep it short. This is a great meal for college students, too. It’s one of Will’s go-to meals at school.

Next, let’s envision our cook. Her kitchen is Italian and rustic, shabby and chic. A serious cook’s kitchen with pots hanging over the stove for easy access, a giant island for rolling out homemade pasta, crusty loaves of fresh baked bread on the counter, fresh herbs on the windowsill, well-loved dish towels and cloth napkins overflowing from a stuffed drawer, and a crock full of wooden spoons. Lots of natural materials for the floor and backsplash. Painted cabinets, wood beams, and wallpaper. Lots of wallpaper. Toss in some wrought iron lighting, brass knobs, and copper pots and you’re good to cook like Strega Nona.

As for her living room, the same aesthetic applies. Low ceilings with wooden beams.  Lots of pattern play. Smooshy sofas and serious chairs near the fireplace. Wrought iron and homey quilted accents to top it off. All she needs is a knitting project from fibre space to work on for the fall.

Get your Strega Nona on at Red Barn Mercantile this fall. We have all the things you need to make this time of year comfy and cozy!